Monday, October 15, 2012

In Two More Days...

Well, it's almost Daisy's half year mark. Cried last night pretty well... I'm not normal by the way. I sense dead people and sometimes (very little) see them. My friends who have past long time ago hang out with me even at school. My best gay friend Izuru walked into my room last night (hoping it was him. If not, then it was Renji or my little yet older brother-in-law Toshi {I have permission to call him that ^_^}) holding my Baby Boo Boo. She looked just like what she use to when she was alive. I'm just hoping that the arrancar espada that controls death gets a hold of her. If he does than I'll literally kill him even if I die in the process. I can't afford to lose my Baby again. Not after going through what I am going through now.

This is how we were when she was alive... :')

Me after her death even now.

What I am now...

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