Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Extremely Happy ^_^

So yesterday when I got on my laptop after I got home and watched Adventure Time, I opened up my email and saw that my crush said yes to dating me. I got so happy and hyper in under 5 seconds!!!! I really want to kiss him, but I want to make sure he's comfortable around me before that happens.

Totally me right now... ^_^

Totally me...

So cute... :D

I can see this as us. XD

His hair isn't as long as Neji Hyuga's but it's as long as his bangs (small stands that are not behind in his very low ponytail)

If he really did that I would probably be shy the whole day and yet a little embarrassed. But it's still a very sweet picture.

He actually kind of looks like this when his hair isn't in a half pony tail.

This could literally be me and him. It makes my blush just thinking about it.

It's probably going to be this awkward the first few times... *blushes while thinking about it*

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