Thursday, November 29, 2012

Upset... :'(

Well let's just say that I'm not in the best mood that I have been to past few days. I've been upset or mad within an hour and a half. First it started with the librarians sending me an email for a book that IS in the library and then my ex-boyfriend getting mad at me for trying to feel better. I just don't understand why I'm targeted like this and that I can't do most things. I literally even heated up during all of it, and doing it again. I just can't handle most things and this would be one of them. Any advice out there on what I can try to do. Already got some from Sasuke Ukitake, but that really didn't work.

*Ggio Vega walks in* You okay Yuki?

Me: No I'm not. People are just mean to me and I can't do anything about it.

Ggio Vega: Yeah you can. Just push it out of your head or think like an arrancar.

Me: No. I'm not thinking like an arrancar, but I will try the other advice.

Ggio Vega: Okay just hang in there Yuki. *He hugs me and then leaves the room*

Me: Thanks Ggio Vega Arrancar number 27.

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