Thursday, November 15, 2012

Boyfriend's New Hair Cut

Okay, so My Sasuke Ukitake got his hair cut. It's really super short. I like it and all, but his long hair was WAY better. It will grow back though so enjoy this hair style as much as possible.

*Ggio Vega walks into the room and looks at me* What are you doing Yuuki-Chan?

Me: Typing things down about Sasuke Ukitake. Why?

Ggio Vega: Isn't that the guy with the white hair that attacked Stark?

Me: No. That's Twin Zanpak-to Buddy number 1 or Daddy. His real name is Joushiro Ukitake though. I would never call him daddy though.

Ggio Vega: Oh. Got ya. Let me read what you have so far. *Let's him read* HE CUT HIS HAIR?!?!?!

Me: Yeah. Of course he cut his hair. It's cute but a little to short for me. I still love him though.
It's not like he's going to cut my hair like how Yumichika wants to.

Ggio Vega: Who's that?

Me: He's the guy with the two red and two yellow feathers by his eye right here. (Points the the places the feathers are on my own eye)

Ggio Vega: Oh, okay. I get it now, the gay guy.

Me: HE'S NOT GAY. He's just special.

Ggio Vega: Okay. Whatever.

Me: *goes back to writing* Anywho. Back to what I was saying. He's actually cute with his short hair and whatnot. But I still love him and not going to break up with him. He's just to cute.

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