Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Few Days Ago

So a few days ago on Friday. I walked with my boyfriend, his brother, and one of their friends out to his car after school. I hugged him goodbye, but couldn't leave without hugging him again. Apparently , I did hug him, but I also kissed his cheek. I felt so embarrassed of doing that. I apologized to him on Monday, but still felt embarrassed about it. I love him yes, but I'm not going to rush our first kiss. I was going to today, going to talk to him about something else today after school about telling my mom about us, and if she dares embarrasses me in front of him on Thursday at his concert, I will tell her to stop embarrassing me. Yeah, he has a mustache, a small little cute beard that's hardly even there, side burns, and long a little past his shoulders hair. I just hope she doesn't even say a word embarrassing to him or his parents or even tell his parents about us. I don't want him in trouble. He already knows what it's like for me. He won't know what it's going to be like when (if) he breaks up with me. I don't want that to happen. I'm actually very super sensitive about break up. Unless I break up with them. Other way around, no, I'm super sensitive.

Mood:Uncertain about telling my mom, happy.

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