Friday, November 30, 2012

Creepy and Confused

So this morning I was sitting down on the ground on my laptop trying to do things when my friend Giku came in through the doors and like twenty minutes later my boyfriend came through the doors and stood by me. He asked me why I didn't get up and hug him and I told him because my foot was asleep. Not to long after that he knelled down and hugged me. I thought he was going to kiss me. It just really scared me that he even did that, because he didn't turn his head right away. He normally does.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Upset... :'(

Well let's just say that I'm not in the best mood that I have been to past few days. I've been upset or mad within an hour and a half. First it started with the librarians sending me an email for a book that IS in the library and then my ex-boyfriend getting mad at me for trying to feel better. I just don't understand why I'm targeted like this and that I can't do most things. I literally even heated up during all of it, and doing it again. I just can't handle most things and this would be one of them. Any advice out there on what I can try to do. Already got some from Sasuke Ukitake, but that really didn't work.

*Ggio Vega walks in* You okay Yuki?

Me: No I'm not. People are just mean to me and I can't do anything about it.

Ggio Vega: Yeah you can. Just push it out of your head or think like an arrancar.

Me: No. I'm not thinking like an arrancar, but I will try the other advice.

Ggio Vega: Okay just hang in there Yuki. *He hugs me and then leaves the room*

Me: Thanks Ggio Vega Arrancar number 27.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Kasuga from Sengoku Basara

So my boyfriend showed me this anime called Sengoku Basara just because he wanted to and that it had a guy in it that he was researching an English paper. He showed me Masamune Date, Kenshi, Sasuke, and Kasuga. I think she's pretty hot but then again most of her skin is showing so yeah. Here are some pictures of her.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Boyfriend's New Hair Cut

Okay, so My Sasuke Ukitake got his hair cut. It's really super short. I like it and all, but his long hair was WAY better. It will grow back though so enjoy this hair style as much as possible.

*Ggio Vega walks into the room and looks at me* What are you doing Yuuki-Chan?

Me: Typing things down about Sasuke Ukitake. Why?

Ggio Vega: Isn't that the guy with the white hair that attacked Stark?

Me: No. That's Twin Zanpak-to Buddy number 1 or Daddy. His real name is Joushiro Ukitake though. I would never call him daddy though.

Ggio Vega: Oh. Got ya. Let me read what you have so far. *Let's him read* HE CUT HIS HAIR?!?!?!

Me: Yeah. Of course he cut his hair. It's cute but a little to short for me. I still love him though.
It's not like he's going to cut my hair like how Yumichika wants to.

Ggio Vega: Who's that?

Me: He's the guy with the two red and two yellow feathers by his eye right here. (Points the the places the feathers are on my own eye)

Ggio Vega: Oh, okay. I get it now, the gay guy.

Me: HE'S NOT GAY. He's just special.

Ggio Vega: Okay. Whatever.

Me: *goes back to writing* Anywho. Back to what I was saying. He's actually cute with his short hair and whatnot. But I still love him and not going to break up with him. He's just to cute.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Few Days Ago

So a few days ago on Friday. I walked with my boyfriend, his brother, and one of their friends out to his car after school. I hugged him goodbye, but couldn't leave without hugging him again. Apparently , I did hug him, but I also kissed his cheek. I felt so embarrassed of doing that. I apologized to him on Monday, but still felt embarrassed about it. I love him yes, but I'm not going to rush our first kiss. I was going to today, going to talk to him about something else today after school about telling my mom about us, and if she dares embarrasses me in front of him on Thursday at his concert, I will tell her to stop embarrassing me. Yeah, he has a mustache, a small little cute beard that's hardly even there, side burns, and long a little past his shoulders hair. I just hope she doesn't even say a word embarrassing to him or his parents or even tell his parents about us. I don't want him in trouble. He already knows what it's like for me. He won't know what it's going to be like when (if) he breaks up with me. I don't want that to happen. I'm actually very super sensitive about break up. Unless I break up with them. Other way around, no, I'm super sensitive.

Mood:Uncertain about telling my mom, happy.