Thursday, September 6, 2012

My Little Sister's Problem

Hey Giku. Look, yeah we all have loved someone that is no longer with us. They love us very much either way they are right by our side or up in Heaven or Hell, or if we get mad at them like I do with my father's mom, Donna Jo. She loves me very much because I know she's right next to me through thick or thin and understands what I'm going through. Not to mention she's great with medicine. Retsu Unohana (Donna) might be busy most of the time, but she comes right back to me to help. When my baby boo boo (my dog in BEWARE IF YOU'RE SENSITIVE), I knew all my deceased friends *wink wink* where there by my side when they sensed the really high spiritual pressure of mine (which it's really high, and any of my friends can sense it from far away in different states that got to know me a lot can or could feel it to). Things will be hard in the beginning, sweetie, but after few months of crying or telling people the story over and over again to many people you won't need to cry anymore. Make up friends, imaginary or not,and tell them over and over again, or I can let you have some of our soullie friends to help you maybe even Retsu.

1 comment:

  1. I just noticed that the two blonde haired anime girls look like what me and my little sister's hair lengths. o.O creepy
