Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Extremely Pissed

Okay, so there's this guy who 'LIKES' me. Thing is I DON'T like him back. He keeps sending me weird things that don't work on me  (much), and it's really pissing me off. Not even kidding he sent me this thing of how to make a bikini for a chick. and puts down (word from word) 'P.S. we should try this.' Um....yea-no nice try. No dude is seeing me completely naked only because he wants to do "stuff" with me. I already told him I'm taken yet it didn't go through his majorly thick skull of his. If you're reading this dude STOP SENDING ME EMAILS OF THAT STUFF!!!! I'M NOT GOING TO GET IN TROUBLE FOR YOUR SENDING!!!!!!! JUST PLAIN STOP YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO BE WITH ME AND THAT'S THAT!!!!! GET OVER IT!!!!

The owner of this demon fox is under him if you see the red lines. She's at the point in the dust.

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