Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Today I just feel like killing myself because I'm tired of all the shit that I have to go through all day, and even every day. This really great guy pulls me through along with Dark Jenna and a few other people as well. Even right now I'm crying because all day I've been bitched at in some way or form. I just simple don't know what the fuck I should do. Please help if you have advice.


  1. Well first of all my friend you should never think about killing yourself. Because just because you think it will solve all your problems well just think about your friends and family. If you die then some will become lost and some might kill themselves also. So much to live for. Second you shouldn't let little things bother you such as those people. Life is fullly made of wonders.

    Fox just because you don't know what to do doesnt mean you should just stop in your path. The path isnt over with until your story is fully well told by someone that was meant to have so much wonders and dream come true. Those people who yell and may scream at you may not have a feture, but for you I'm sure you will have a bight one just like a flame that lights forever in the bright blue sky and in the forever shadows.

  2. Well, yeah, I know that. But it makes me want to hide under a rock and cry because it makes me feel like I'm not wanted, or even there when they say it. It's like I'm nothing, and when I was driving yesterday on the way home when my mom was walking, I literally broke down and cried (while driving).

  3. You crying is a good thing, but sometimes a bad thing when you do it a lot. It does give off stess and cools people down. And life will make you feel like that when you really dont want it to. But Fox just because this happens doesnt mean its the end of the world for you. There is a lot more then having to cry because someone pushes you around. There will be more bumps and sharps on your path up the lader, but its just a challenge to see if your right to make it all the way to the top like one of the gratest people alive. Because dont you have a Dream that your working on? Well you can't do that if you stop on your path and not even try to make it up the path to the dream that lies in hand for you when you fully make it to the top. Never forget that you have a life and you get to have people cheering you on on the sidelines. Wondering if you will take the time and work your way to become one of the most amazing people out there and live to tell your story of life to little ones later on in life. Now Fox don't give up there is to much to let your life just fade off into another world and star!

  4. Why should I say. He's no one that you probably now anyways Outlaw.
