Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Today was horrible in Painting. The teacher yelled at me for trying to help a friend with her acrylic paint things, and I simple just wanted to leave the room and cry. She said it so nasty that I felt like she was trying to cause harm to my already fucked up life. It really bothered me that she did that, and I almost cried in front of everyone in that class until everyone looked at me because of what the teacher said. That was when I felt embarrassed, not just because everyone was looking at me, but because I thought my crush looked as well.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Well...., more dipshits where trying to make me show again and 2 of them really hurt my feelings and I'm crying right now. This is how my hand looks like right now from what happened from me getting pissed.

Song of how I'm feeling.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Today A friend of mine came up to me asking "I'm tired of how people are picking on me. What should I do?" Well, my friend, the best thing that I can help with is just keep telling them to back off and that they are no different than you are, stay true and someday they'll will stop. It's hard to even cope with it, but if you know the right words they will stop sooner or later. You can either come find me and let me know and handle it, or just ask me what is best that you should. It's hard, I know, but understand that yes, they may do that because of their self-esteem. Look at me. My self-esteem is VERY low, but I don't bully other people. I may say some hurtful things, but that would be after they say something hurtful first. I don't "throw the first punch", because that's wrong. I wait for them to do it first, and that's when hell breaks lose inside of me. Or until my body can't handle it anymore, and I don't have any control of my body anymore until the fights over. What I'm trying to say is violence is never the answer in anger times. Just relax, and think of what you're going to say to that bully and literally give them a "slap in the face" that you're not the type of person that they can push around like you're some kinda of dead animal or something that they hate, and they will stop.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Today I just feel like killing myself because I'm tired of all the shit that I have to go through all day, and even every day. This really great guy pulls me through along with Dark Jenna and a few other people as well. Even right now I'm crying because all day I've been bitched at in some way or form. I just simple don't know what the fuck I should do. Please help if you have advice.
Well today is going not as planned. A jerk keeps bothering me and I keep telling him to back off. I can totally handle it, so don't worry about me. But Yesterday a friend of mine was crying because her new boyfriend seems like he doesn't care about her when she was hurting. I stayed with her even after the bell rang to get back to class after lunch. I really care about her like she's my sister since I've known her since I was a baby.