Friday, March 30, 2012

Thanks Guys

Wow Dark Jenna that's a little, well, you know. Helpful. Thanks. So just like what Dark Jenna said make sure that you have a friend there that you can trust or count on. Even though it may sound hard, just make sure that there is someone there that cares for you. Even though I was crying a lot today, I had like 5 people worrying for me. Thanks Dark Jenna, Geli, CeeCee, Ash, and even the lunch lady at school.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Well, this is what I said on a website....---->'Well,I completely give the fuck up on damn life because of horny ass men. I need a man (or woman) that will treat me like I'm NOT a demon or animal and WITHOUT asking 2 see my fucking body. I need fucking love, and if I don't get that I'm going to feel like no cares and stab myself.' then CeeCee cheered me up by giving me advice. No one has really done that other than Sango the wolf queen. They really have my back when I need them. Thanks guys.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Well, today, I got pissed because of a dip shit person thought he could kick me around. I was almost about to cry, but I met a nice girl. Mintsy made me feel better. She helped me out through it. Just make sure you find someone that you can truly trust like how I can with Mintsy.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Today, I was minding my own business until some girl randomly tells me I wear the cutest clothes. I clearly think she’s weird to even say that, but it made my day. I was glad that someone out there actually likes my outfits that I put together. Tomorrow, no matter what, try to tell someone that you like there outfits. Even if you don’t like them. It’s still going to make your day and theirs. Someone that you always loved looking at to see their outfits. You can always go up to them and ask where they get their clothes and kind of explain why you want to know where they got it. They maybe nice enough to even tell you, or take you there themselves. You might just be surprised.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bully Tip

Well, apparently a jerk got me mad today. He said I needed a new mask. He walked off fast enough that I didn't get a chance to bitch at him. What I'm trying to say is say what you want to say, even to a bully. Don't let them walk over you like you're their place mat. Speak up. Say how you felt about that. They'll learn and stop. They might say sorry. Most don't. Just be who you are and say what you want to a bully. They can't do anything back they do yell or scream.