Tuesday, October 30, 2012

So Embarrassed...

Me: Okay, so this morning my boyfriend Chris T. (people here at Watertown should know him even you Emberlynn) was standing up between the two sets of stairs. So what do I do, you're probably asking. Well let's just say I walked up the first set a little to fast.......... and fell. Andrea, my little sister Giku, and a friend but the name of Keanna laughed at me while my boyfriend laughed with me. Yeah, I was laughing to, but it was from being embarrassed.

Ggio Vega: Wow. Nice going Lieutenant Yuuki Yukiharu.


Ggio Vega: Nope. I won't.

Me: Remember last time with the small dull rock? *Looks at him a little pissed but making it look like I'm VERY pissed*

Ggio Vega: *Gulps* Okay I'm sorry Yuuki.

Me: Arigato Vega boo. {Arigato means thank you in Japanese to people who don't know how to speak it} Sorry about that people. *Giggles with hand behind head rubbing it* Back to what I was saying my boyfriend asked me if I was okay. I told him that I was. I mean yeah I hit my leg on the top step but it didn't hurt. I fall like that all the time at my house walking up the steps even when my foot is a sleep (which isn't a good idea to do since my foot feels like it's five feet under the ground than where it should be). It was actually nothing really. Just a slight red mark for about, let's say, five minutes I;m Actually doing great because I'm going to grow a pair of woman balls and kiss him today during lunch (we are in the library during lunch because he doesn't eat lunch often which is perfectly fine). I'll update you what happens if I do. =^_^=

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