Monday, September 10, 2012

Ki-Yi week (Nerd/Cowboy or Cowgirl Day)

KONICHIWA!!!!! Today is Nerd or Cowboy (cowgirl if you are a woman) for Ki-Yi week. It's just like homecoming, well actually it is homecoming, week. I'm dressed up as a nerd from the anime BLEACH. I'll give you a distribution of the nerdy yet very weird woman. She's only 5'2", electric orange hair, has a huge crush on Ichigo Kurosaki (should of given it away by now), and wears flower like hairpins. I'll wait for you to guess who it is. *waits reading BLEACH* *looks up* Did you figure it out? If so, good for you. If not it's Orihime Inoue. She's very open-minded and funny in a cute way, but she also gets good grades in school so don't call her dumb. In the Karakura High School, she is ranked in the top 25 for the most smartest students, and yet she still thinks that a dalmatian is a cat.

Overly active imagination

Silly time

Weird and Stupid

Plain Normal for Her

Kind and Sweet

Worried that Ichigo will die fighting Grimmjow (actually does while fighting Ulquiorra; comes back to life hearing Orihime screaming his name)

Angry(beware: she will slap you)

Pure Beauty

Yet loved by another chick (sorry Orihime-chan)
Orihime believes it's a cat with a high pedigree, like a Dalmatian.

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