Thursday, August 30, 2012

So Confused about High School Men

Well this year isn't any good with crushes. A guy I met in the summer is now going to my school along with a freshman . They are both cute guys, but then again I have my ex-boyfriend still coming to school because he flunked senior year. They are all nice, but really two care if I'm happy. Not sure about the Korean guy. The thing is with the freshman is that he's taken by another girl, and he has already told me that he loves me twice. It's weird and I don't know what to do or think. Yeah, I might give him a try though, but... I'M A JUNIOR!!!!!! Yeah I know I'm messed up, but hey not my fault it's my parents fault that I'm screwed in the head. I'm just really confused on what to do with these three guys. *beats self up trying to pick a guy but just can't and not picking all three of them.*