Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Relaxing Yourself Tip

Hey everyone. This is the 27 Tailed Fox Hostess, and sorry for not posting yesterday. The internet was acting up and almost three time in a row it had nerd stuff on it so I got mad a lot. Pit up with it those long enough to do some of my homework. Now what this site is mostly going to be about me getting help from you guys and me helping you in return. Yeah, I know, "why have a site like this?" Well you see, I have a low self-esteem, and get mad easily. Like Monday for example, I got so mad I really wanted to punch a wall. I really wouldn't care if I broke my hand at all. I know. Stupid, right? Well I agree. It was stupid to even think that. So people out there that are just like me and get mad easily, think of your favorite song (mine is Kaze No Gotoku from Inoue Joe). You should calm down long enough to be able not to hurt someone. Now I encourage you to do that from now on. It can be any song you like or can be multiple songs. AS long as your thinking and kind of singing it to yourself in your head, you should be able to relax and think better. Thinking while pissed off is never the answer.